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Happy Anniversary of the First Montessori School!

On January 6, 1907, Dr. Maria Montessori opened Casa dei Bambini (House of Children), the first Montessori school in Rome, Italy. For 114 years, Montessori educators worldwide have proudly continued the work of Dr. Montessori in their classrooms using her philosophy, materials, and method.

Through her methods, Dr. Montessori noted that children were deeply attentive and sensitive to order in the environment. Given a free choice of activity, the children showed more interest in practical activities and Montessori's materials than in toys provided for them. Children were surprisingly unmotivated by sweets and other rewards. Over time, she saw a spontaneous self-discipline emerge.

Hudson Montessori School proudly follows in the foundational and well-proven groundwork established by Maria Montessori all those years ago. We are forever grateful for her research and concentration on children's education.

“We discovered that education is not something which the teacher does, but that it is a natural process which develops spontaneously in the human being.” — Dr. Maria Montessori

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