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Maker Faire 2022 Begins On Saturday!

Hudson Montessori School’s annual Maker Faire is almost here! On Saturday, Jan. 29, the exhibitors, or “Makers,” from kindergarten to Upper Elementary will present collections of exciting projects. All students and their families can “Zoom” in to view the immersive experiential rooms designated for different types of projects.

The Maker Movement is a global phenomenon that plays a significant role in nurturing creativity, design, and the maker spirit. Maker Faires across the globe inspire communities to “make”. Makers create, tinker with old inventions and technology and create something new. The focus is on the process where the maker dreams up an idea, creates, experiments fails and experiments again, until they make something they are proud of.

Some students have submitted independent projects, while others combined talents to create teams with other students, parents, or teachers. Based on the entries and interest expressed by our students we have designated certain display rooms to showcase their creations:

The Dark Room (Fireflies)

This room will feature light based projects that are best viewed in the dark. It will also feature some projects the students have been working on in the classroom.

Matters of the Art

This room will feature creative art projects that use a variety of different mediums including cardboard and other recycled material crafts, woodworking, and more.

Bots and Bytes (Nature’s Patterns)

This room will feature robotics, electrical, 3D printing, and coding projects.

Spills and Thrills (Lotus Leaf)

This room will feature projects that have a possibility of spilling. Any projects that include mixing of potions or reactions that might spill will be featured in this room.

Runway Magic (Nature’s Superheroes)

We have a special category this year for all our cosplay (costume + play) and fashion designers. Our makers will walk the runway sporting their creations.

Tech Talks/Keynote Speaker -

They will feature special live presentations by our Makers on a variety of subtopics

Maker Faire rewards curiosity. We get to learn how things work and why. We get to try new things and understand that we can expand our own capabilities. The School Maker Faire covers many disciplines - science to art to gardening to engineering to craft. We are deeply excited to showcase the talents of our student makers and can’t wait to unveil their creations.

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