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Summer Camp Session 2 Began This Week!

Welcome to our Session 2 summer campers! Over the next three weeks, our Toddler-Bridge (2s and 3s) will be learning about the many types of transportation that people use around the globe. Primary camp (3s, 4s, and 5s) will transition from studying the ocean to studying land. They will focus on the many different types of land environments and the animals who live there. Elementary campers will hone their strategy and critical thinking skills by studying and creating their own board games, video games, and more.

The last three weeks for Session 1 have been fun-filled, themed camp days for our Toddler-Bridge Primary, Primary, and Elementary campers. Our toddlers, preschoolers, and kindergarteners took a closer look at the ocean, the water cycle, and aquatic creatures. Each class played water-themed games and held experiments to learn about buoyancy, the water cycle, and absorbency. The children also played with water outdoors at the school’s playground, practiced morning yoga, music, and brushed up on their Spanish.

Elementary campers learned all about the upcoming Olympic games and all the behind-the- scenes technology that supports such a momentous event. Students participated in many themed mental and physical games and activities. They enjoyed slicing, chopping, and spooning delicious ingredients to create their own olympic torch yogurt parfaits during healthy cooking class. Elementary also explored Liberty Science Center, experienced a nature scavenger hunt in Liberty State Park, and played in Van Vorst Park!

Click here to learn more about what makes Hudson Montessori School's summer camp the best option in Jersey City for your child.

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