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Hudson Montessori School Celebrates With Holiday Cheer Event

The last day of school before winter break was bustling with holiday events for students and their families. Each class held a holiday party with festivities from many cultures around the world. After morning drop off, parents attended our annual Holiday Cheer event complete with carolers from our elementary classes. The Upper Elementary students also developed a special video presentation about "Holidays Around the World," which was broadcast school-wide.

This event also celebrated the close of our holiday drive for Hudson County's foster children. Our classrooms assembled 120 Comfort Case backpacks filled with toiletries and essentials children may need as they enter the foster care system this holiday season.

Today, December 17, our school's parent volunteers are dropping off the filled backpacks to Blessed to Bless, a local non-profit group that is coordinating with Comfort Cases, the lead non-profit organization that runs this donation drive. In the U.S., a child enters foster care every two minutes. The backpacks instill some dignity, replacing trash bags that children are often given to carry their personal belongings.

All of the Comfort Cases we donate will be routed to families in Hudson County's Department of Children and Families system. We are so thankful to our families and community for the outpouring of support this holiday season.

Special thanks to Upper Elementary students Alexandra Blum and Zach Costa for their poster artwork.

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