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Summer Camp Session 3 Begins Next Week!

Our toddlers, preschoolers, kindergarteners, and elementary campers are about to wrap up session 2 of summer camp, having learned so much while having tons of fun! Our Toddler-Bridge campers studied how people and animals travel around the world. The Primary campers went on a worldwide adventure studying mountains, deserts, forests, and the flora and fauna that calls each terrain home. Each elementary student created their own games using lessons in strategy and skill that they gained throughout camp.

Each group of campers has enjoyed learning during special activities like woodworking, chess, cooking class, and more. Every day, they enjoyed sprinkler time outside in our school’s garden backyard and rooftop pool.

Next week will bring a new session of summer camp with fresh themes and activities. Toddler-Bridge campers will study the wonders of the human body, Primary children will learn about air, gravity, and how animals and objects fly. Elementary students will stretch their problem-solving skills as they work through exciting escape room scenarios. We’re excited for our students and all the fun that awaits them in session 3.

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