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Virtual Makers Faire Dazzles Maker Fans, Parents, Teachers

Updated: Jan 31, 2022

A two-hour online forum of children “maker” presentations turned into a fun, well-attended, Zoom-based four-hour Maker Faire on Saturday, January 29th, while a nor’easter kept people indoors.

About 30 presenters shared their projects for more than 100 online attendees who came and went throughout the four hours. Presentations were given by small groups of students and solo makers who talked about their projects. The ages varied from kindergarteners to sixth graders.

A student group pre-recorded a video in class and demonstrated the domino effect using domino-like blocks in the classroom. Several students created stop motion animation projects, involving Legos or their stuffed animals. Some students programmed video games, made movies, danced, created art, hand-stitched items, or conducted scientific experiments.

STEAM teachers Ms. Michelle Velho, Dr. Grace Sanvictores, and Mr. Chris Solorzano curated the program. The Upper Elementary students helped emcee. Attendees asked questions like, “How long did it take you to make that?” or “How can I play that game?”

One student made an alcohol sensor using Arduino technology and programming. A robotics enthusiast made an airplane, using cardboard, a soldering iron, Gorilla glue, and a simple motor.

The STEAM teachers encourage students to continue “making.” They offered all makers to continue to submit their future presentations and new projects to the school’s Maker Monday weekly assembly for Lower and Upper Elementary students.

“It is wonderful to be part of a school that recognizes the critical role that STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math) plays in preparing our students to be innovators and critical thinkers as we advance into the 21st century,” said Ms. Velho, Director of the school’s STEAM Program.

"For children, using their hands, being inquisitive, and unleashing their imagination comes naturally. Using Maria Montessori's blueprint of 'following the child', our students led us to this natural next step of nurturing their creativity and giving them an opportunity to share it," Ms Velho added.

While Maker Faires take place across the country, Hudson Montessori School is the only School Maker Faire in all of New Jersey. In 2019, Hudson Montessori School became the first STEM-accredited campus in New Jersey by the National Institute for STEM Education.

To learn more about Hudson Montessori School’s interdisciplinary, theme-based learning approach to education, the Montessori philosophy and methodology, or how the school fosters the love of learning for its students, the school welcomes parents to Middle School Information Sessions and, for children age 2 to fifth grade, the school offers virtual school tours.

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